What Is Ultrasound Scan? Radiology equipment suppliers in UAE - Saferay

Ultra sound scan

 In the previous posts, we have been exploring the commonly used medical imaging techniques. In this read, we are learning more about Ultrasound scanning technology with Saferay-radiology equipment suppliers in the UAE

Related posts: X-RAY, MRI & CT Scan

What is Ultrasound Scan? 

In ultrasound scans, high-frequency sound waves are used to examine the inside of a body. It is often termed sonography. 

Unlike other imaging techniques, ultrasound imaging does not involve radiation, rather it solely uses sound waves which make it far safer than other techniques. On this ground, it is the preferred method to evaluate fetal development during pregnancy. Into the bargain, they can detect problems in the liver, heart, kidney, or abdomen.

A sonographer is a person who performs an ultrasound scan, although the results are evaluated by radiologists, cardiologists, or other experts. 

When it is done?

Your physician probably suggests an ultrasound scan when you are having pain, swelling or other discomforts in any of the following organs. 

  • Uterus

  • Ovaries

  • Gallbladder

  • Brain (in infants)

  • Bladder

  • Testicles

  • Pancreas

  • Eyes

  • Kidneys

  • Liver

  • Spleen

  • Thyroid

  • Blood vessels

How is it done? 

Its technology is much the same as the working principle of sonar and radar, which help the military detect planes, ships and submarines. The sonographer usually holds a transducer, which is a hand-held tool that is put on the patient's skin. 

Ultrasound refers to the sound of frequency above 20 kilohertz ( 20KHz). This frequency is above the upper limit of human audibility. For medical purposes, the frequency ranges from 2 to 18 megahertz ( MHz), which is much higher than human hearing capability. 

Ultrasound can penetrate soft tissues though it bounces back once it meets with denser surfaces. This is how it creates a sonogram, the image. Ultrasound images appear in various shades of grey depending upon the density of the colliding surface. 

Is There Any Risk Involved? 

Ultrasound scanning is believed to be relatively safer as it does not involve any radiation. 

Also, there is no evidence to state that ultrasound imaging or heart rate monitoring hurt babies. However, physicians are still unsure that there are no long-term hazards. Ultrasound can mildly heat tissues in the belly. It can cause extremely minute bubbles in certain tissues in some circumstances. The long-term consequences of this are still unknown. 

If you are interested in learning more about the process or getting quality assured radiology equipment, Saferay-radiology equipment suppliers in UAE- can help you with it. We put out a priority on helping you to provide better care to your patients, more efficiently, with the best results possible. Feel free to contact us for any technical assistance. 


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