Things You Need To Know About CT Scan | Saferay - Radiology Equipment Suppliers in UAE



In the previous posts, we have been exploring the commonly used medical imaging techniques. In this read, we are learning more about CT scanning technology with Saferay-radiology equipment suppliers in the UAE


What is CT Scan?

CT scan is a painless and non-invasive diagnostic method for detecting injuries and diseases. It has x-ray images taken from different angles and a computer to create cross-sectional images (slices) of the bones, blood vessels and soft tissues inside the body. It gives more information than x-ray images do.

When It Is Done?

Your doctor may suggest a CT scan to diagnose

  • Muscle and bone disorders (tumours and fractures)

  • Tumour, infection or blood clot

  • Guide surgery, biopsy and radiation therapy procedures.

  • Detects and monitors diseases and conditions such as certain types of cancer and benign tumours.

  • Heart disease

  • Lung nodules 

  • Liver masses

  • Detect internal injuries and internal bleeding

  • Brain and spinal cord diseases or injuries.

  • Bowel disorders etc…

How Is It Done? 

Depending on which area of your body is being scanned, you may be instructed to wear a medical gown and remove part or all of your clothing, remove any metal objects that could interfere with the image, and don't eat or drink anything for a few hours before the scan. 

CT scanners have the shape of a huge doughnut on one side. You lie down on a tiny, motorised table that glides through a tunnel hole. You can use straps and cushions to assist you to stay in place. A customised cradle may be installed on the table during a head scan to keep your head steady.

Detectors and the X-ray tube circle around you as the table takes you into the scanner. Each revolution produces multiple tiny slices of your body. It's possible that you'll hear buzzing and humming noises.

You may see and hear a techie in another room. Through the intercom, you will be able to interact with the technician. To avoid obscuring the pictures, the technologist may urge you to hold your breath at certain points.

Is There Any Risk Involved? 

During the CT scan, you are briefly being exposed to ionising radiation litter higher than the X-ray scan. Low levels of radiation used in CT scans have not been proved to cause long-term risk, however much greater doses may result in a modest increase in cancer risk. Your CT technician may utilize devices designed specifically for children to decrease their radiation exposure. 

Inform your doctor if you are pregnant. Although the radiation from a CT scan is unlikely to harm your baby, your doctor may advise you to have another form of screening, such as an ultrasound or an MRI, to avoid exposing your baby to radiation.

Allergic reaction to contrast material is another probable risk factor. Contrast material is a special kind of dye used in some CT scans to brighten the parts of your body that are being examined. 

If you are interested in learning more about the process or getting quality equipment, Saferay-radiology equipment suppliers in UAE- can help you with it. Feel free to contact us for any technical assistance. 


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