Radiology equipment suppliers in UAE | All You Need To Know About MRI Scan


MRI Scan- Radiology equipment suppliers in UAE

MRI Scan - An overview

In the previous posts, we have been exploring the commonly used medical imaging techniques. In today’s read, we are learning more about MRI scanning technology with Saferay-radiology equipment suppliers in UAE

Related post:  X-RAY - AN OVERVIEW

What is MRI? 

Magnetic Resonance Imaging or MRI is a medical imaging technique that utilises computed generated radio waves and magnetic fields to get detailed images of organs and tissues inside your body. 

The invention of MRI has aided in the fast growth of the medical and research fields. The equipment used for the procedure is a large tube-shaped one with strong magnets in it. When you lie inside an MRI machine, the magnetic field realigns the water molecules in your body. These aligned atoms emit feeble signals as a result of radio waves, which are utilised to construct cross-sectional MRI pictures. 

MRI can be used to examine almost all parts of the body like the brain, spinal cord, bones, joints, breasts, heart, blood vessels, and other internal organs. 

When it is done? 

MRI is often performed to diagnosis the following conditions…

  • Anomalies of the brain and spinal cord

  • Disorders of the eye and inner ear

  • Stroke

  • Tumours

  • Breast cancer

  • Size and function of the heart's chambers

  • The extent of damage caused by heart attacks or heart disease

  • Structural issues of the heart

  • Disk abnormalities in the spine

  • Bone infections

  • Tumours of the bones and soft tissues

  •  Tumours or other abnormalities of other internal organs. Etc…

These are just to name a few. The scopes and uses of MRI are expanding. 

How Is It Done? 

The process is carried out by a trained radiographer. They operate the scanner using a computer in a different room, keeping it away from the magnetic field created by the scanner. 

Once you are at the lab or hospital for MRI, the doctor/technician will ask you to remove all kinds of metals in your body. If a person has any metal within their body, such as bullets, shrapnel, or other metallic bodies, they will most likely be unable to get an MRI. Medical equipment such as cochlear implants, aneurysm clips, and pacemakers are examples of this.  They make sure that you are comfortable as possible and will ask you to lie down. Earplugs or headphones will be given to filter out the scanner's intense sounds. Also, they will communicate with you through the intercom. 

It is necessary to stay still once you are inside the MRI machine. Any motion will affect the quality of the image. It is quite normal that the machine produces a loud noise. After the scan, the radiologist will examine the image and if it is clear enough, you are done!

Is There Any Risk Involved? 

An MRI scan is a relatively safe and simple procedure. Even though, if you are having metal jewellery or accessory it might a safety hazard. 

Inform your doctor if you believe you are pregnant before scheduling an MRI. Magnetic fields' effects on foetuses are not fully known. However, your doctor may suggest a different check or postpone the MRI. Inform your doctor if you are breastfeeding, especially if contrast material will be used during the operation.

If you are likely to feel uncomfortable in closed space (Claustrophobia)  let your radiologist know before the scan. 

If you are interested in learning more about the process, Saferay-radiology equipment suppliers in UAE- can help you with it. Feel free to contact us for any technical assistance. 


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