Radiology equipment suppliers in UAE | X-ray - An Overview

R-ray an overview

 In our previous post, we have seen commonly used radiology equipment and its uses. In this read, by Saferay- radiology equipment suppliers in UAE-we are getting into the details of X-ray imaging. Come, let us get into the read…

What is an X-ray?

An X-ray is a painless, fast procedure that creates pictures of organs inside your body, especially your bones. This can aid in the diagnosis, treatment, and treatment of a variety of illnesses. The electromagnetic radiation, x-ray passes through your body and depending on the density of the substance they get absorbed in varying quantities. Dense materials like bone and metal appear white. Your lungs' air seems to be black. Fat and muscle show as grayscale images. 

Different forms of X-rays are utilised for various purposes. Mammography, for example, maybe suggested by your doctor to check breasts. To gain a better look at your gastrointestinal tract, they may prescribe an x-ray with a barium enema.

A contrast media, such as iodine or barium, is injected into your body for various types of X-ray studies to get a more detailed image.

X-rays are commonly used to identify fractures (broken bones), but they can also be utilized for other purposes. Also, there are certain possible side effects of x-ray. We will go through these further in this read. Stay tuned…

When it is used?

Following are some conditions when your doctors will probably suggest an x-ray:

  • Fractures

  • Digestive problems

  • Blocked blood vessels

  • Breast tumours

  • Bone Cancer

  • Lungs issues

  • Infections

  • Arthritis

  • Tooth Decay

  • Osteoporosis

  • To retrieve accidentally swallowed items etc…

What are the procedures?

An X-ray can be taken at a hospital's radiology department, a dentist's office, or a clinic that specialises in diagnostic procedures by an X-ray technician or radiologist. Your X-ray technician or radiologist will instruct you how to position your body for clear images after you're fully prepared with a lead protective apron. During the test, they may ask you to lie, sit, or stand in various positions. They could snap pictures of you while you're standing in front of a specialised plate with X-ray film or sensors. They may also ask you to lie or sit on a specialised plate while a huge camera attached to a steel arm moves over your body capturing X-ray pictures. It is important to remain completely motionless while the photos are being shot. This will ensure that the photographs are as clear as possible.

What are the possible side effects of x-ray?

X-ray radiation used in the imaging process is considered to be safe for most of the adults. But it is not the case for a developing baby. You have to let your doctor or x-ray technician know if are carrying. They could recommend an alternative imaging procedure, such as an MRI. The other possible side effects are as follows:

  • itching

  • lightheadedness

  • a metallic taste in your mouth

  • A feeling of warmth or flushing

  • A metallic taste

  • Hives

  • Nausea


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