Radiology equipment suppliers in UAE|Commonly used radiology equipment


Commonly used radiology equipment and its uses

Radiology is a branch of medicine that is important in almost every aspect of health care, including surgery, paediatrics, obstetrics, cancer care, trauma treatment, emergency medicine, infectious disease, and many more fields. People who are working in radiology fields, utilise a variety of equipment to view and observe the internal human body. Saferay is a trustworthy radiology equipment suppliers in UAE that are devoted to offering the most cutting-edge medical imaging equipment for a variety of applications.

X-ray Equipment

The x-ray machine is one of the most well-known pieces of radiological equipment. An x-ray machine creates pictures of the inside of a person's body using a kind of electromagnetic radiation called x-rays. Photons, which are x-rayed particles, are sent through a person's body by x-ray equipment. A portion of the x-ray is absorbed by tissues and the rest of the rays are absorbed on digital media and converted to an image.


To detect:

  • Fractures or other damage in bones,

  • presence of tumours and infections in the lungs, kidneys, and other organs.

  • Infections like pneumonia

  • Breast cancer.

  • Arthritis in joints

  • Blood vessel blockages

  • Dental issues

  • Items swallowed accidentally etc…

MRI Machine

Another essential piece of radiological equipment is an MRI machine. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a technique that uses the electromagnetic characteristics of the human body when it is exposed to a strong magnetic field rather than x-rays. This device generates a magnetic current using an electric current and wire coils. Water molecules align as a result of the magnetic field, and radio waves cause them to emit signals. These radio waves are delivered to a computer, which converts the signals into pictures.


To detect

  • brain and spinal cord defects

  • Tumours

  • Breast cancer

  • some forms of cardiac issues 

  • injuries or deformities of the joints

  • the assessment of pelvic pain in women etc…

CT scan

CT scan utilises computer processing to generate cross-sectional pictures (slices) of the bones, blood arteries, and soft tissues within your body by combining a sequence of X-ray images collected from various angles around your body. The equipment consists of a table on which the patient will recline and a radiological device with an aperture (gantry) into which the table will be put during the examination. CT scanning is particularly effective for displaying different types of tissue.


To detect

  • Complex bone fractures

  • Tumour

  • Cancer

  • Heart diseases

  • Internal injuries and bleeding

  • To check the interiors of the body prior to surgery. 

  • study the blood vessels and other internal structures


This may be characterised as a technique for obtaining pictures of the human body by using high-frequency sound waves. The key here is high-frequency sound waves, which are essential for collecting real-time pictures. This procedure is totally painless and does not entail the use of radiation. The methods are so few that Doppler ultrasound can detect the blow flow. It mostly entails the examination of several organs and regions of the body


To study:

  • developing fetus

  • abdominal and pelvic organs

  • muscles and tendons

  • heart and blood vessels.

Through its unmatched service and high-quality product, Saferay has emerged as one of the leading radiology equipment suppliers in UAE. SAFERAY Radiation Equipment Sourcing is founded on the belief that outstanding customer service and high-quality products and services will contribute to a safe and healthier tomorrow. To explore more about the products and services we offer do visit our website.


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