Get the best lead shielding in UAE with Saferay UAE


Have you heard about lead shielding?

The use of lead to shield persons or objects from radiation is known as lead shielding. Because of its high density and atomic number, lead can effectively attenuate certain types of radiation; in particular, it can halt gamma rays and x-rays. Lead shielding is widely used in X-ray machines, labs, medical facilities, military equipment,  nuclear power plants etc...In the case of medical imaging, the use of lead shielding can prevent ionising radiation from reaching areas close to the area to be imaged. 

Different kinds of shieling are available to protect people and objects. The lead castle is used in gamma spectroscopy where it protects the probe from radiation. Lead aprons, thyroid shields and lead gloves are used for personal protection. For storing radioactive samples, lead-lined containers are used. 

Further in this read, we will learn more about lead shieling and how Saferay, Lead shielding in UAE, helps you get the best lead shieling. Let us begin with some radiation protective devices.

If you want to learn more about radiation and its health effects, You can check out our previous post, radiation health hazards and protective measures

Lead castle

A lead castle, also known as a lead cave or a lead housing, is a lead building used in the nuclear industry and other industries that use ionising radiation to offer protection from gamma radiation. In the laboratory or in a factory, castles are commonly employed to protect radioactive sources and radioactive materials. 

Lead apron

A lead apron, sometimes known as a leaded apron, is a form of radiation-protective garment. It's made of a thin rubber shell and a lead inner, and it's shaped like a hospital apron. The lead apron's aim is to limit a hospital patient's exposure to x-rays to important organs that may be exposed to ionising radiation during medical imaging that employs x-rays (radiography, fluoroscopy, computed tomography).

Thyroid shielding

The greatest approach to reduce the danger of thyroid cancer from radiation exposure during operations is to use thyroid shields. A thyroid shield can cut the effective dosage in half and reduce overall exposure by almost half. Thyroid shields should have a minimum thickness of 0.5 mm lead equivalent for neck and thyroid protection.

What makes lead the best for radiation shielding?

Lead is highly effective in providing protection against radiation. So it is the preferred material for radiation shielding. It is also the standard used in radiation protection systems. It can be used to protect against a variety of high-energy radiation sources, such as gamma rays, x-rays, and other forms of nuclear radiation. 

Here are some factors for considering the best radiation shielding materials

  • The ease at which heat dissipates

  • resistance to radiation damage

  • decreased levels of radiation

  • required weight and thickness

  • shielding permanence

  • Availability

  • considerations for multiuse

  • uniformity capacity.

  • application flexibility

  • The extreme level of stability

  • high atomic number

Apart from these factors, what are the main features that make lead the best radiation shielding material?

High density

Since lead is a dense metal with a density of 11.34 g/cc, approximately 4 times the density of aluminium, it can efficiently scatter x-rays and gamma rays. The combination of lead's high atomic mass and the tiny size of its bond lengths and atomic radius results in its high density. Because of the high atomic mass, more electrons are required to maintain a neutral charge, and because of the short bond length and atomic radius, many atoms may be packed into a single lead structure.

Ease of use

The ease with which individuals can work with this material is one of its best qualities. Lead is a soft metal that scratches and dents readily. Lead is particularly easy to deal with since it is ductile and malleable. The melting point of lead is 327-degree celsius which make it easy to cast. Lead is an excellent shielding material for a wide range of applications. Lead acts as a protective barrier for those who work with or around radiation, giving them peace of mind.

How does it work?

Lead is ideally adapted to scattering x-rays and gamma-rays due to its density and a huge number of electrons. When these beams collide, they produce photons, a sort of boson that gives energy to electrons. Without a lead barrier, a person's body's electrons would be impacted, perhaps damaging their DNA. When radiation tries to travel through lead, the energy is absorbed and scattered by its electrons. However, the lead will eventually deteriorate due to the energy it is exposed to. Lead, on the other hand, does not protect against all kinds of radiation. When high-energy electrons (including beta radiation) collide with lead, radiation is created which is more harmful than the original. In addition, lead isn't a particularly good absorber of neutron radiation.

Need lead shielding? Here is the better solution

You can count on Saferay for a better lead shielding solution. Our goal is to keep you safe by limiting your exposure to ionising radiation and its negative consequences while providing you with lightweight solutions. Reach out to us and get our products and services. 


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